Looking for same day cake delivery? Or Last minute cakes? Shop our delicious and fresh cakes from our menu here! Order before 10am daily (except Sundays) and self collect or delivery from our shop.
We understand that there may be occasions when you forget to order for your loved ones due to unexpected circumstances. Fred not, we now offer last minute cake delivery. Rest assured, we will deliver the cake directly to your doorstep.
We know how important it is to receive your cake on time for your birthday or wedding celebrations. Timely deliveries make for high customer and client satisfaction. Receiving your cake on time will make for a pleasant celebration process and we do not want to keep you waiting.
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We have a range of online cake delivery associates that guarantees your cakes are delivered in small batches so that it remains in good condition. The safety of the drivers and the next day cake delivery are of utmost important. Our drivers have years of experience with cake delivery and we promise the very best delivery experience to you.
Chocolate Cake is one of the most beloved desserts on the planet, and they come in all shapes and flavors. If you’re a dessert lover, you probably have strong opinions on your favorite sweet treat. We have many different cake flavors to choose from, and we are one of the highest rated cake shops on Google. Our cakes are less sweet, moist and soft.
Our best selling cake flavours would be chocolate cake and strawberry short cake. Be sure to try them!
If you need a customised cakes, feel free to contact us directly via WhatsApp.