Who doesn’t enjoy the ambience of a casino? The jingling of quarters, the excitement of the crowd, and the strobing of the colourful lights! Here at Honeypeachsg Bakery, we decide to capture all that intensity with our customised casino-themed cakes! Our ‘Casino/Poker Gambling Cake‘ is the best example as well as the most popular.
In cases where cakes are not your desired one, you may take a look at our other The #1 Birthday Cakes in Singapore! Over at Honeypeachsg Bakery, we have over 1000 cake designs for you to choose from. Lastly, ever wonder how to pick the correct cake size for you celebration? We have this easy Cake Sizing Guide to assist you along your way!
If you dad, father or husband enjoys going to the casino at Genting, Malaysia or Marina Bay Sands, then I’m sure they will enjoy this cake! Our Casino Cakes come with many different designs and they are mainly edible! Such as edible poker cards, casino chips, gold chocolate coin, gold bar and more. This would also be an interesting longevity cake for Mom’s 50th birthday, 60th birthday or 80th birthday.
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If you have a friend who might be a gambling enthusiast or a girlfriend or boyfriend that enjoys an occasional roll of the dice, and they’re looking forward to the perfect birthday Cake for their upcoming 18th birthday or 21st birthday, we believe these would be the perfect Casino Birthday Cake for the occasion!
Made by Honeypeachsg Bakery, the best cake shop in Singapore! We offer a wide assortment of cake flavours and we also make the best birthday cakes and the best birthday cupcakes in Singapore!